Sabtu, 16 April 2011

We Are Always Being Random

Ahoj mon amis, copines et copains..


How was your week? for me its been hectic and rather surprising.

yap, surprising and random, just like chaiyya chaiyya. Yak, kayanya hepi banget yah si Briptu Norman itu, cuma joget-joget langsung famous. Well maybe I should wear police uniform when I want to do Bollywood dancing. Or picking an eye catching partner then I can be on telly , promoting sausages -___-

Those were out of my topic.

Talking about random, I have some random buddies in Bandung. They are always wandering me , I do not know. Probably they love me too much :p

The first randomer is named Adisti Dwiyana

She is Adis, and she is our Leader in class. She is intelligent and rather narcisstic. Oyah, Adis comes from the small city called Like Earth (Sukabumi) hehehe. And yup, she is a truly random person that I can easily be friends with :)

Then we have Anityas Dian

Tyas itu dari Brebes the city of salt egg. huehehehe... Dont mess with her because she has lot of admirers loohh :p hihihi . Tyas ini orang jawa banget deh, She gets both the accents and gestures ;D

next Alfiani Fadhilah

Nenek-nenek bertampang anak kecil ini beneran berisik banget , dan dia positively punya bakat jadi Alay. Yah tinggal dipoles dikit jadilah dia Alay sejati :p hehe peace alfi.. Alfi juga orang Bandung yang ngaku-ngaku orang Jawa, hehehe...

Then ada Dewi Lestari

jangan salah ya, ini bukan Dewi Lestari yang penulis itu. Nama lengkapnya Dewi Lestari Nurkholifah. Dewi itu rada lebay dan futuristic juga loooh (?). She comes from Purwakarta, as we know well Purwakarta is the city of.........of..... Oke gue nyerah..

Dan many more. Ada Ai umi yang cantik orang Garut, ada Denna, ada Amalia ulfah , ada Ayu yang sok iyeh. Banyak dehh. But I cant describe them one by one. But the exact one is, they are cool, yeah and rawk :D

thats us :D 

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